The HANSA Consortium is a unique brand by CJG and assembles under one roof highly specialized companies with long-term experience to successfully complete infrastructure projects in niche markets. The Consortium structure allows a flexible and economic response to global project requirements for the benefit of our clients.
+ Aviation Fuel Supply Chain Solutions
+ Airport Upgrade and Development
+ Mining and Mineral Processing
+ Agriculture and Food Processing
We are a One-Stop-Shop covering Project Development, Financing, Realization, Construction, Operation and Management
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We are focussed on aviation fuel supply infrastructure and logistics solution for airports, airlines and national fuel suppliers.
Along aviation fuel supply infrastructure projects we are involved in airport development in cooperation with airport consultants, investors and airport operators
Together with a group of international specialist and geologists we develop mining leases for exploration and processing. This includes structuring of finance packages dedicatd to infrastructure and plants as well as marketing of the products
In our projects in Africa and Asia, we target at a national self supply of food along with an increase of the national income. Our team includes national and international specialists to develop a local food know how basis.
We are adding value and offering a partnership over the entire life cycle of your initiative.
CJG Business Development OHG, Saseler Loge 25, 22393 Hamburg, Germany
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THE HANSA Consortium® - a brand powered by CJG
CJG Business Development OHG ; Saseler Loge 25, 22393 Hamburg, Germany ; Amtsgericht Hamburg HRA 107639 / Ust-Nr. DE257998766 / Managing Partners: Dr. Christine Groetzbach; Juergen Groetzbach
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